Thursday, January 04, 2007

Update on Faith and Makaila 16

We have good news to report! Faith is doing well on CPAP and has even had two cuddles with Mom! She has also moved out of her incubator and into a crib! This has helped because she likes being wrapped up and she was too hot being wrapped up in the incubator. So now she can be wrapped up and not get too hot (try saying those last two sentences fast). She still needs to get stronger and she still hasn't been on CPAP that long, so keep praying for's working!

Makaila is continuing to do well. Today she tried breast feeding for the first time which is a big deal! This is a big step towards being transferred to Abbotsford, however, this is usually a very difficult process because premature infants don't have the same sucking reflex full term babies have and they tend to not eat and breathe well together. They can forget to breathe when they are swallowing so you have to give them a little shake or smack to get them breathing again (we've heard of babies going blue, yikes!)...or they forget to stop swallowing when they breathe and they choke. So, we don't expect this to be a smooth or easy process, but so far so good. Makaila took to sucking right away and took breaks in between to breathe (or so we think) but she only latched on for a minute or two.

While we are still a ways from being transferred to Abbotsford, some of the babies that have been around Faith and Makaila in the NICU are being transferred to other hospitals. This has got us thinking that one day they will be coming home and that day is at least 2 months closer then when they were born. They could be transferred to Abbotsford within a month and then home a few weeks after that (these are generous guesses). We are both excited and overwhelmed: excited to have our girls home, but overwhelmed by what we need to do, buy, and get to be ready for them and do all this while Karyn lives most of the week in Vancouver and while I work in Abbotsford and travel to and from Vancouver (oh ya, and then we'll have two infants and an almost 2 year old in our house to care for...yikes!). We would appreciate your prayers as we attempt to prepare for Faith and Makaila's homecoming.




Anonymous said...

We pray that the girls continue to progress and that 2007 is the year of many joys as you look forward to life together in your own home surroundings. Our New Years wish is for LOTS of physical strength for you all, peace in your hearts that God holds you in His strong hands and generosity from all of us your friends and family for helping in all the practical ways you need.'
Love Gloria Drayton (TWU)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! to all of you, WOW what a great start to the year...we have all been praying for you over the holidays and the updates from Larry and Terry have also been so positive. Jaimie and Nicole are looking forward to seeing their second "girl" cousins!
Best wishes, love Paige and Family

Maxine Springer said...

How exciting to hear about all the new things that are happening and all the progression the girls are making! We will continue to pray for them and you each step of the way. E-mail me a list of things that you will need for the girls when they come home, I have a couple of friends who may be getting rid of some things they don't need, I'll see what I can get. Please feel free to let us know what we can do to help out as you make all the transitions as well.

Anonymous said...

It's really great to hear things are progressing in a good direction. I look forward to them coming home and I will continue to keep them in my prayers. And Graham if you ever need any help around the house or to go shopping or whatever I'm always available ;). Peace out and see you on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

hey friends! despite our failure to post this whole time, we HAVE been following your crazy journey...i'm at work this morning, and just read how well the girls are doing--i'm so happy for all of you! i admire so much the faith and trust with which you have faced the past few months. you're children are blessed to have parents like you.
we anticipate an opportunity to see you all at HOME, healthy, strong, and finally living all together as a family.
much love, peace and grace,
Maria, for the Hubbards

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an encouraging post to read! It's wonderful to learn of the girls' constantly improving health. Praise GOD!
Still praying...

Melissa said...

Heavenly Father we praise your name for you are faithful, loving, the ultimate protector and great physician. Thank you for your amazing touch on the lives of Faith and Makaila and how far they have come in terms of their development and health. They are truely a miracle! Continue to be with them as they are in their cribs, learning to breath more on their own, beginning to nurse and prepare themselves for coming home. Be with Karyn and Graham as they make the necessary steps in preparation for their arrival and prepare little Isaiah for this change as well. Continue to bless this amazing family, as you have, and again we thank you for how much you have already done for this family and what you are going to do!
In Christ's name, Amen!