Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Update on Faith on Makaila 13

In our last entry Faith was going on CPAP and Makaila was continuing to do well on CPAP. Faith lasted for 16 hours but wasn't able to stay on it. She had too many apneas and so was put back on the conventional ventilator. We were a little discouraged but were happy that she made it as long as she did and she continues to do fairly well on the ventilator. When they put her back on the ventilator, they discovered some swelling in her throat at the top of her trachea. The swelling is caused by acid reflux, which is common amongst premature babies, but her reflux is particularly acidic. They put her on medication to change her pH levels and this seems to have done the trick; the swelling has gone down. Faith was supposed to have an MRI early this week but has been bumped to Friday instead. We are eager to hear the results and hope that everything comes back normal.

Makaila has been doing really well on CPAP. So well, that they took her off of CPAP a day and a half ago. She now only has oxygen prongs in her nose to keep a constant flow going. This is far less evasive and a great sign of her growing stronger. A few days ago Karyn went in to visit the girls only to find that they had been moved from their usual spots in the NICU. It turns out that they needed the space so Faith and Makaila have been moved to their own private room. This is great for visiting because we have our own room to ourselves, can decorate it how we want, and it's set up better for longer visits. The only drawback is that we won't see the other parents as much whose children have been Faith and Makaila's neighbors for the past 8 weeks. We'll just make sure we go in and visit them on our way in and out.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. We greatly appreciate them!



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