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Join the McMahon Family as we walk through the very early and tumultuous beginnings of being a family of 5 with two of its members being very small and premature infants. For our Journal: mcmahon-family.blogspot.com For our Photos: mcmahon-family-photos.blogspot.com
Join the McMahon Family as we walk through the very early and tumultuous beginnings of being a family of 5 with two of its members being very small and premature infants. For our Journal: mcmahon-family.blogspot.com For our Photos: mcmahon-family-photos.blogspot.com
Karyn & family,
your girls are so precious! When Tina told me yesterday that you had the babies, I was shocked - being only a few weeks behind you in my own pregnancy I couldn't even begin to imagine! I have enjoyed reading every blog entry and I will be sure to keep up with the family's progress. You are very much in my thoughts and prayers. My Faith sends hugs & kisses to Isaiah :o)
Paula, Lyle & Faith
Dear Graham and Karyn,
We are friends of Terry and Joan and have been praying for you during the past week. Thank you for sharing your sacred journey and for your inspiration. I now see the angels surrounding you all and feel the peace that you speak of. We continue to pray for you and the pictures really strengthen this. I know that God is with you.
We have also sent your names to a prayer circle that we belong to.
Here is part of what went from our friend, Deb, to the prayer circle.
"I received pictures of the babies and witnessing the size of them with all of the tubes to support them is deeply touching. They are so tiny. May they feel the gentle blessings of our healing energy on a continuous basis where it is most needed.
Many blessings,
God bless you all,
Anjali and Norman Thomas
Dear Karyn and Graham,
First of all congratulations! Your little girls are just beautiful and what a wonder to see them at such a tiny state. I hope your are both getting some rest, although according to update times it isn't during the night! Being able to share your journey and feel your faith is inspiring. May God continue to watch over you all and surround you with His presence. We will continue to pray for each one of you. Love to all five of your.
Cheryl and George
Graham and Karyn,
We pray for you and your family weekly at church and daily at home. Your girls are truly little miracles!
Joe, Stacey and Joshua Parson
Dear Karyn and Graham.
Faith and Makaila are 2 of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen. Just looking at the pictures I can see they're fighters. You are very blessed.
I've been wondering when i'd get to see a picture of them. I was shocked and worried when i heard they came soo early! But i think of you all constantly and pray for all of your strength and courage in this trying time! God is there with you, i know i can feel it. He will not abandon you.
Thank you for putting together this blog and sharing your story, it means alot to me, that you want everyone involved and aware, and your soo open for help and encouragement. Its a real encouragement to myself to see that you're all staying soo strong!
I miss you all, and i will keep praying for Graham, Karyn, Isaiah, Faith and Makaila, and the whole McMohan family! Your always on my mind!
Love you all!
Ashley MacArthur
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